Naval Turret Exercise
We will create the following naval turret in this tutorial:
Start with a basic box as follows:
- Ensure that your box is centered and has dimensions as can be seen in the picture
Convert the box to poly and select the four surrounding faces
Use the slice plane to create a vertical cut through the selected faces
Loop select the created edges in edge mode
Chamfer the selected edges such that the resultant edges lie on the two inside grid lines (ie +10 and -10)
Chamfer again with the currently selected edges to create two wide stripes resembling the following:
Select the newly created front faces of each stripe and use the slice plane to create a relatively low horizontal edge in each face
Use a similar procedure to create an edge near the back of the top faces of each stripe
Select the newly extruded top faces and extrude again a height of 8.323 or similar
Bevel again to create a very shallow insetting bevel
Bevel again to create a slightly deep somewhat insetting bevel
You now have a very basic turret! Let's adjust it a bit to make it look better.
Select the front bottom vertices of the little slopes underneath each cannon, pull them up and out a little bit
Select the top vertices of each cannon's enclosure edge and pull them back and down a little to create a sloped look
Grab the back top vertices of the turret's enclosure and pull them down and in a little bit to pronounce the sloped look
Grab the top half of the entire object and bring it down to create a low-styled turret
Grab the back half of the entire object and pull it back to create a longer housing for each turret
Grab the top half of each cannon and its housing and bring it down to give the cannons a lower profile
Switch to edge mode and select the surrounding edges
And there we are! The completed naval turret.